Welcome to a documented experience of my year as an English Teacher and Community Worker in Java, Indonesia! For the next eleven months, I will be serving with Mennonite Central Committee's Serving and Learning Together program, learning the language, eating the foods, and fully immersing myself in the Indonesian culture.

Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you! Happy reading!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Very First Day....

I am here! Well, I'm Akron, at least. The good-bye's are over, and the last four hours have been filled with meeting new people from ALL over the world. All of the SALTers and IVEPers (those coming from countries all over the world, to serve in North America) are staying at MCC's headquarters in Akron. The facility is SO COOL! There are 5 houses on site, representing each of the continents. Each house has 3 wings with 4 rooms off each one (I lucked out and got a room with 2 single beds!), a kitchen, and 2 sitting rooms. They are decorated according to their continent, with Ten Thousand Villages products. They're really simple, but REALLY pretty. 

My roommate is a young woman from Laos. She is the sweetest person ever, and her English is great, so we're able to communicate easily- in fact, I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't know English. Tonight we were sitting in a circle, just chatting, and I realized that I was looking at a group of people that were either from, or going to, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Jordan, Brazil, Chad, South Africa, Indonesia, and more... It's really awesome to be in such a multicultural setting.

This week looks like it's going to be crammed full of information and new adventures with new people. It's still hard to wrap my head around the fact that so much still lies ahead of me, but just finally being here has calmed my nerves dramatically, and has allowed me to get a bit more excited about what's to come...

Looking forward to sharing more as more happens! 

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